March 21, 2006 – 11:30 am
Just released the latest version of AJAX Yahoo! mail on This is a bug fix release. No new features in this version. Many people had reported that firefox was crashing after using the extension. That has been resolved in this release. Have also fixed opening an attachment with a single click. Now that feature also works again.
If you have any comments or suggestions about this or any previous release of this product leave your comments on this page. I am working on an article that shows how this extension has been developed and how you can convert your Web 1.0 applications to Web 2.0 without making too many changes. You can subscribe to my blog for infomation about when I put up that article online. You can subscribe using the 
[ Install AJAX Yahoo! Mail [0.6] ] [ Screenshots ]
If you are new to AJAX Yahoo! Mail here is what its supposed to do
This firefox extension enhances the way you use Yahoo! Mail. Just try it out once if you use yahoo mail.
This extension converts Yahoo! Mail into an AJAX enabled web account. Incase you have a problem while upgrading on installing it, leave a comment on this page. You can read more about this plugin on, you can also read the reviews by the users who have used this extension. This is what you can do with the current version.
- Compose or reply an email in a second
- View all your mails without going back and forth
- Download an attachment with a single click

You can download the firefox plugin or you can download the user script which you can use with greasemonkey.
This website is not supported by Yahoo! nor is this site anyway linked to Yahoo! it is just a proof of concept about what can be done with AJAX . Do not use the greasemonkey script if you have Greasemonkey 0.6.x, it will not work with it.
January 3, 2006 – 12:20 am
You can leave a comment in this blog entry or in the foXpose forum. Please do check the foXpose forum before reporting a bug or feature.
The Viamatic foXpose plugin is a tiny little extension that lets you view thumbnails of all your tabs inside a browser window with a click of a button. This extension will only work on Firefox 1.5 or higher . The new version of foXpose has been released. It has been coded more or less from scratch. It has now been released on mozilla, you can download it from here. If you have any support questions or any other suggestion for the next version of foXpose please leave a comment on this page. If you like this this extension you can vote for it on

[ Install foXpose 0.3 ] [ Other Firefox Extensions by Viamatic ] [ Screenshots ]
Whats new in 0.3?
- Middle click to close the tab
- The default foXpose shortcut key is F8
- Click on the icon once to activate foXpose, click on the icon again to go back to the tab you were on
- More support for people who use a keyboard to surf (Many people requested it). The shortcut key is displayed in the title of each tab. You can press that key to open the tab.
- The foXpose tab is visible (This can be configured)
- Size of thumbnail can be specified
- Removed most of the bugs in 0.2 and brought in new ones
- Two themes to choose from
. I was trying out for user defined themes, but that will be in the next version.
- Keyboard shortcuts can be user defined
- Name is displayed in the tooltip
- Many more that you can find out
- To add foXpose as a mouse gesture assign the JavaScript code Viamatic.Xpose.Main() to call the foXpose code.
December 29, 2005 – 12:35 pm
After more than a year Viamatic Open EzBasic 0.3 will be released. It will have more support for Mingw.
December 29, 2005 – 12:33 pm

The Viamatic Tabnail extension is an extension which you should use if you have a slow internet connection. It lets you preview the pages as they load in realtime. It adds thumbnail of the page that is being loaded into the tab and updates it in realtime. If you have a broadband connection this extension might not be for you. If you find it usefull please do rate it on
If you use TabMix plus or some other extension which changes the tabs this extension might not work, and so far there is no work around for this problem.
If you have any support questions or comments post them in the tabnail forum .
[ Install Tabnail extension (0.4) ] [ TabNail Screenshots ]
December 29, 2005 – 12:31 pm
Update: Sorry but this project has been kept on hold as we don’t have time to complete it, we are only trying to finish up the PHP version first.
We are also developing a similar library for .net, so making applications for the web would be as easy as developing applications for the desktop. This library would have a plugin for VS 2005 to draw and design your XUL forms.
December 29, 2005 – 12:31 pm
We are finally starting our work on the library. It has not yet got any offical name but it will have a RAD IDE to design your applications. It will allow you to design new applications with ease.